Second Oldest Known Promotional Brochure For The Commodore PET 2001
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that can maintain inventories, keep payroll records, operate accounts payable and receivable, issue checks, handle correspondence. Again, some of these capabilities will involve hardware not yet available, but which should be ready fairly soon. The PET is a computer. But a very different computer from any you have ever seen before. The PET is a per- sonal computer; it stands for Personal Electronic Transactor. It is very com- pact, measuring just 16.5″ wide by 18.5″ deep and 14″ high, and quite portable; it can be carried and used anywhere. It operates on ordinary current available in any office, home or factory. The PET has a television screen, a keyboard as simple to use as a type- writer and a self-contained cassette recorder which is the source for pro- grams and for storing data in con- nection with these programs. And it has, in its standard configuration, an 8K user memory. (This is in addition to the 14K operating system resident in the computer.) Although the PET is built to the highest standard in the industry, it may perhaps require service in its lifetime. You’ll find the PET surpris- ingly easy to service. Modular com- ponents, standard TV circuitry and a basic cassette assure that a TV service- man with PET product knowledge will be able to render satisfactory ser- vice. Moreover, the self-diagnosing computer board will tell the service- man if it needs replacement. And Commodore will ultimately main- tain a network of Authorized Dealer service centers as well as its own service points. Because the PET is a personal com- puter, it uses BASIC language, the easiest to learn and simplest to pro- gram. So simple that many people without prior computer knowledge will find it surprisingly easy to begin rudimentary programming after only |
a few hours and, with diligent appli- cation, could become quite facile. Because of the widespread use of BASIC, a large number of programs are already available from various sources, including PET user clubs springing up in many places. There is direct access to the machine language resident in the ROM through the keyboard so that-as one example -a particular POKE command will convert 26 graphic characters to lower case letters. The Commodore PET. So simple to learn and to use. Yet the PET can also boast of advanced screen editing -allowing complete and instant insertion, deletion, substitution of characters and full cursor movement. This is at the heart of the PET: It is a wonderfully simple device to master; really as easy to use as an advanced calculator. Yet it has the power and versatility of the most advanced computers. The PET is surprisingly inexpensive, as a personal computer should be. The PET is a product of Commo- dore, a company that has developed through the years a reputation for value and innovation in calculators and electronic watches. Quite portable, very affordable and unbelievably versatile, the PET com- puter may very will be a lifetime investment. Additional programs, additional memory boards and, through the IEEE Interface, a telephone interface system, a printer and a floppy disc drive are among the components that are being developed for those users who may perceive a need. A second cassette is already available through a built-in interface. An extra 8 bit user-controllable port is also built-in for “do-it-yourself” attachments … such as a music synthesizer, speakers, a light con- troller … for fun and games. |
The PET TM home computer by Commodore is a creature of many faces, only a few of which you will see on the next page. As many faces as you see, the PET has even more. Its applications are limited only by the user’s needs. The future of the PET is virtually unlimited; its present capabilities are already many and impressive. As a personal computer, the PET can teach languages and mathematics; play games; create graphic designs; answer the telephone, log calls, and dial numbers; store meal recipes and change number of portions; maintain budgets, personal records and check- books; operate appliances and tem- perature controls. Note: while the PET indeed has all these capabilities, some are not yet here: the phone capabilities will not become a reality until the modem hardware is completed. But that should be before the year is over. As a management tool, it delivers the information the executive needs, in the form he can use, and available to him alone. Trend analyses charts and graphs can be almost instantly available. The professional may use the PET for maintaining appointment sched- ules, recording income and expenditures and filing all the specialized information and forms he may need to make his work more efficient- from medical records for a doctor to income tax computations for an accountant. The engineer, mathematician, physic cist has a tool far superior to the very best programmable calculators yet developed … at a cost that is com- parable … and with almost infinitely greater versatility. And the businessman has a computer |
The Many Faces of the PET |
the PET keyboard |
The PET keyboard consists of 73 keys There are the usual alphanumerics 1A Z and 0-9) found on typewriters and calculators and many computers.But the PET has something more 64 graphic characters. The graphics can be used for plots, for fun and games, or for artwork.There are also special screen and keyboard control keys which allow the moving of the cursor in four directions, the reversing of characters and background, the inserting and deleting of characters. Shift keys and a run stop key are also provided to facilitate keyboard operations. | |||||
specifications Dimensions: 16½” wide by 18½ ” 14″ Overall height deep. |
Reverse field on all characters intense on black or black on white) 54 standard ASCII characters; 64 graphic characters KEYBOARD 9½ ” wide x 3″ deep: 73 keys All 64 ASCII characters available without shift. Calculator style numeric key pad All 64 graphic and reverse field characters accessible both keyboard (with shift) Screen Control: Clear and erase Editing: Character insertion & deletion CASSETTE STORAGE Fast Commodore designed redundant recording schema, assuring reliable data recovery Cassette drive modified by Commodore for much higher reliability of recording and record retention High noise immunity, error detection, and correction Uses standard audio cassette tapes Tape files, named OPERATING SYSTEM Supports multiple languages (BASIC resident) |
Machine language accessibly File management in operating system Cursor control, reverse field, and graphics under simple BASIC control Cassette file management from BASIC True random number generation or pseudo random sequence INPUT/OUTPUT All other I/O supported through IEEE-488 instrument interface which allows for multiple intelligent peripherals All I/O automatically managed by operating system software Single character I/O with GET command Easy screen line-edit capability Flexible I/0 structure allows for BASIC expansion with intelligent peripherals BASIC INTERPRETER Expanded 8K BASIC’, 20% faster than most other 8K BASICS Upward expansion from current popular BASIC language Strings, integers and multiple dimen- tion arrays 10 significant digits; floating point numbers Direct memory access through PEEK and POKE commands |
PET and Peripherals. The external cassette (the PET CASSET™ model C2N) is shown con- nected to the cassette port and ready for file management. Also shown is the PET Printer, model 2020, capable of printing up to 80 characters per line on 8 ½” roll or fan-fold paper. It prints the entire complement of PET alphanumerics and graphics at approximately 120 CPS on a 7×8 dot matrix. The unit can be programmed to print extended characters as well as a unique character (such as a corporate logo). | ||||
commodore basic |
CHR$ ASC CHR$ returns a character, given a numeric code. ASC returns a numeric code corresponding to a character. LEN Returns the length of a string. VAL STR$ Convert decimal values to numeric strings and vice-versa. Extended I/0 Statements OPEN CLOSE Control association of a logical file number to a physical device and, optionally, a file name on the device. SAVE LOAD VERIFY Store and retrieve a program, with optional file name, on a physical device. Load allows for program overlay, VERIFY compares contents of memory to stored program. PRINT# INPUT# GET# Allow communication with logical device numbers other than keyboard or screen. GET# inputs one character. CMD Permits communication with multiple devices simultaneously. Example of I/0 Operations Tape-to-tape file copy 10 OPEN 5,1,0, “OLD FILE” 20 OPEN 6,2,1, “NEW FILE” 30 INPUT#5,A$ 40 IF ST AND 64 GO TO 70 50 PRINT#6,A$ 60 GO TO 30 70 CLOSE 5 80 CLOSE 6 Program locates “OLD FILE” on tape #1, writes file header for “NEW F I LE” on tape #2, then copies tape #1 to #2 until it encounters an EOF on #1, and then writes an EOF on #2. Variables TYPES: Real Integer (%) String ($) NAMES: Variable names are uniquely given as a letter or a letter followed by a letter or a digit.Special Variables TI TI$ Time of day ST Status word for I/0 operations |
The fastest full floating-point BASIC imple- mented on a micro-computer. Allows communication directly from BASIC to IEEE-488 standard devices, cassettes, display, and keyboard built into PET Accurate built-in clock is settable and readable from BASIC in decimal or string value. Full command set, including: Standard Dartmouth BASIC Statements* LET READ PRINT DATA IF THEN FOR NEXT DIM END GOTO Extended BASIC Statements RESTORE REM GET GOSUB DEF RETURN STOP STEP INPUT FN ON … GOTO ON … GOSUB Scientific Functions SGN INT ABS SQR RND SIN COS TAN ATN LOG EXP pie Logical Operators AND OR NOT Operation Commands RUN NEW CLR LIST CONT FRE Formatting Functions TAB POS SPC Machine Level Statements PEEK POKE Allow the user to examine and store at specific memory locations. USR SYS Link BASIC to machine language subroutines with parameter passing or developmental subsystems. WAIT Monitors status of a memory location such as an I/0 port until specified bits are set. String Functions LEFT$ RIGHT$ MID$ Returns substrings (of specified length and position) of string acted upon. _____________ *Note: Arrays are currently limited to 255 elements. |
commodore business machines inc. • a commodore international company 901 California Avenue • Palo Alto, California • (415) 326-4000 Telex 345 569 Cable Address COM BUS MAC PLA