Program reproduced with permission from a Bill Levak post on and CBM Hackers newsgroup January 9, 2002

To read 8050 disks on the 8250 you need to use a program on the drive to trick it into thinking like an 8050 (save it before you run it!):

10 REM     8050 8250
11 REM 172   1    2  SIDES
12 REM 192  38   38  BAM AND DIRECTORY
13 REM 193  38   38   TRACK NUMBERS
14 REM 194  39   38
15 REM 195   0   38
16 REM 196   0   39
17 REM 197   0    0  BAM AND DIRECTORY
18 REM 198   3    3   SECTOR NUMBERS
19 REM 199   1    6
20 REM 200   0    9
21 REM 201   0    1
22 REM 233  78  155  TOTAL TRACKS + 1
23 REM 237   0   77  TRACKS ON SIDE 2
25 PRINT#1,”M-W”CHR$(172)CHR$(16)CHR$(1)CHR$(1)
26 PRINT#1,”M-W”CHR$(194)CHR$(16)CHR$(3)CHR$(39)CHR$(0)CHR$(0)
27 PRINT#1,”M-W”CHR$(199)CHR$(16)CHR$(3)CHR$(1)CHR$(0)CHR$(0)
28 PRINT#1,”M-W”CHR$(233)CHR$(16)CHR$(1)CHR$(78)
29 PRINT#1,”M-W”CHR$(237)CHR$(16)CHR$(1)CHR$(0):PRINT#1,”U9″:CLOSE1

The best PET to PC transfer process from my recent research looks to be Marko Makela’s CN232, which is quite affordable, more details can be found here.  Note that he has a few finished CN-232s left (as of April 2003), so if interested contact him soon.


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