It's a remake of Jim Summer's SLIME game for the Commodore PET 2001.

What's different?
This game works on 8K PET 2001 models. As a result, the menu system was redesigned, there's no sound and the game is only 25 blocks in size.
Did you shrink the original game code?
No, the game code is rewritten with the exception of the ship explosion effect and the slime chase routine. Based on source code by Mr. Nop. IRQ vectors were different and zero page locations as well.
You can play with a joystick device including the Stupid Pet Tricks. The game has been play tested and should be bug free, but I encourage feedback from actual PET owners and people with different joystick variations.
Additional notes:
The game was not friendly with $FFD2 calls, often showing the cursor codes on screen as if the quote mode was on. Despite forcing quote mode off, the problem continued. All in-game messages were changed to screen POKE's.
Jim Summers was years ahead of his time. Back in 1982, Jim wrote Slime straight from a machine language monitor. He designed his own math routines to create a circle explosion effect, chase after your ship, rank the top high scores and wrote his own random number generator. After creating three top-quality games, he left the Commodore PET scene.
Source code?
Once any bugs are corrected, source code will be put up on
Rotate - Q, W / Fire - Space / Move - 2,4,6,8 / Pause - Return
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