Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/firmware/computers/p500/
Commodore 500 was related with the Model II machines. Some units were made and shipped to distributors before the computer was pulled from the market. The computer has a 6567 VIC-II chip, so it is somewhat similar to the Commodore 64.
../ [Parent directory]
drives@ Disk drive firmware
schematics@ Schematic diagrams

Files in /pub/cbm/firmware/computers/p500/
1998-10-10 8192 basic-hi.901235-02.bin BASIC 4, high part.
1998-10-10 8192 basic-lo.901236-02.bin BASIC 4, low part.
1994-01-24 4096 characters.901225-01.bin@ Character generator (the same as in the Commodore 64).
1998-10-10 8192 kernal.901234-02.bin KERNAL ROM.

[FTP://NIC.FUNET.FI/pub/cbm/firmware/computers/p500/ | SunSITE ftp | SunSITE http]

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