Would You Buy a Commodore Branded PC

This forum was the place to post questions about "New Commodore" USA PC's like the Pheonix, Invictus and Amigo but given their demise, we are expanding to include the 2015 incarnation of Commodore which includes internet access, smart phones and more.

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Would You Consider Buying a New Commodore Branded PC?

Poll ended at Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:30 pm

Too Soon To Tell - Need More Information
Total votes: 4

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Would You Buy a Commodore Branded PC

Post by administrator »

Lets see what people think with a Few polls:
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Re: Would You Buy a Commodore Branded PC

Post by v'ger »

Definitely!! I'm thinking about getting a Commodore Phoenix. :)

I'll probably go for the bare bone version, b/c I need to be a bit careful with my money, and this way I'll be able to upgrade it later on. :)

The C64 PC also looks pretty interesting. Especially with the Cherry keys. I could picture myself having one of them as well in addition to the Phoenix. :)

I can only say: FINALLY, FINALLY!!! :)
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Re: Would You Buy a Commodore Branded PC

Post by Claus »

Well, if they do it right, there could be some reasons to buy a computer branded with commodore. I did a short essay about a possible rebirth of commodore back in 2007. And it mentioned similar things as Commodore USA now plans to do. And I hope they will do all the things they promisse on their website.

There is a market for ne shaped computers like the Keyboard-All-In-One ones...

After a long time the hardware made the difference, now the software did it again and first of all the operating system. And as I saw the first movies on Youtube, they are on a right way.
The second thing which must be fit is the use case. The way people use computers and for what they use it. So the "easy to use computer" as commodore was famous for 30years ago is still a strong claim... if they manage to make really easy to use computers... there could be a chance.

It would be hard to do it like Tramiel did: Low Cost for masses. As Commodore is now a little company, they could not offer their machines cheap ... so Dell and Co always would be cheaper I think.

The biggest fault is done by the Licencer... as he gave the licence to Commodore USA as well to others. So there could be confusion about for what Commodore stands for. So in times the net is the first information resource, the confuse the clients by http://www.commodoreworld.com, http://www.commodoreusa.net, http://www.commodorecorp.com and http://www.commodoreasia.net.

Commodore in its successful days wasn't a "metoo" company. So they shouldn't be it today.

I am very interested in Commodore and if there are machines like 30 years ago: Cheap, a kind of nerdy, easy to use and "makes it possible" all the things I would do with a computer... the next Computer would be a commodore

Greets Claus

PS: And first reason to buy a new Commodore: If they kill the Win-Key and replace it with a C=-Key
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Re: Would You Buy a Commodore Branded PC

Post by Claus »

... have you seen the "new" products incl. a C16, C128 ?

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Re: Would You Buy a Commodore Branded PC

Post by BenjaminLumen »

I Like what they are trying to do ..

The internet is the problem..

Its too open.. which is a stupid thing to say, but that is what is going to ..

Commodore Networks..

Say a Commodore Browser only see's sites with some key on them.

The idea here is to limit the world to where a Commodore Computer only see's a Commodore Network, a Commodore World if you will.

So that there is a limit to the system itself..

The problem today is that Market Model forced the Market Wide open, I don't need that. That is why we all want our
old Commodore Computers back..

Because they are small integral wholes, they are knowable..

They are not a network of 1billion systems programmed in 125 different languages spanning 30 platforms..

I can get my mind around a C64 and two flippnfiles of 5.25"disks and a 300 Baud Modem and Okidate printer..


So to my way of thinking Commodore will be successful if they can get the COMMODORE WORLD LIMITED TO, COMMODORE USERS GROUPS,COMMODORE SITES,COMMODOREFORUMS, A COMMODORE WORLD. So that people can come in from Bill Gates Monster so to speak..
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Re: Would You Buy a Commodore Branded PC

Post by rbernardo »

Though I sent a letter of inquiry, i.e., would they support the Commodore Vegas Expo with Commodore USA goods and/or demonstration hardware, there has been no reply.

The same as last year,
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Re: Would You Buy a Commodore Branded PC

Post by mhtsoos »

yes daggoto
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Re: Would You Buy a Commodore Branded PC

Post by tddrake »

The original is still the best since it was a time where innovation was really at an apogee. The problem with branding any computer with the Commodore name is the fact that the good old days will never ever return. The Commodore USA OS is a custom GNU/Linux distro. What does this mean? it means it will be just as "user-friendly" as Ubuntu, and of course, it will carry with it all the weaknesses of GNU/Linux when it comes to UI and other quirky little bits that this OS is known for.

Anyway, if you really would like to try out Commodore OS first I think you can download the Distro for free and just take it for a spin.
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Re: Would You Buy a Commodore Branded PC

Post by administrator »

Nicely explained. Although I wish "Commodore USA" well, I concur with all of your comments.
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Re: Would You Buy a Commodore Branded PC

Post by Spencer38 »

I have heard so much about Commodore brand, unfortunately i live on a small island in Spain and the tech support is not available.
However, the vendor is trying to find a way out for it.
Just that i had a bad experience when another brand gave me problems and without the local tech support, i had to send the equipment to Madrid for repairs.
Anyway all hope is not lost yet, let´s see what they come up with :)
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