Commodore Complete Line of Products for 1983

Commodore Computer 1983 “Complete Line” Complete Brochure

From VIC-20 to B-Series PETs

Complete Line of Commodore Canada Products from 1983
HOME USERS - VIC 20, VIC-20, Commodore 64
BUSINESS LINE - Pet 4032, Pet 8032, SuperPet SP9000
BUSINESS LINE CONTINUED - Pet 8096, Executive 64 (also known as the SX64 and laptop 64)
BUSINESS LINE CONTINUED - B128 80, BX256 80 with Monitor and Drives
COMMODORE PRINTERS - 1520 Plotter Printer, 1525 Printer, 1526 Printer, 4023 Printer, 6400 Printer
COMMODORE FLOPPY DISKS & HARD DRIVES - 1541 Disk Drive, 2031 Disk Drive (the model shown is actually a 2031LP made with a plastic case - the original and more expensive 2031 has a of steel chassis), 4040 Floppy Disk Drive, 8050 Floppy Disk Drive, 8250 Floppy Disk Drive, 9060 Hard Drive, 9090 Hard Drivemore
COMMODORE MONITORS MODEMS AND DATASETS - 1701 Monitor, -1600 Modem - CompuServe, C-1650 Modem (Automatic) - CompuServe, C-1530 Dataset

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