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Directory /pub/cbm/vic20/demos/

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A vic-20 demo released 11.8.1990 by Secundus of Pu-239. 16k extra memory required. Load and run. Separate PAL and NTSC versions. Re-sourced, NTSC-fixed, compressed and uploaded by Albert of Pu-239 ([email protected])
Bouncing Ball II.d64.gz
Bouncing Ball II (for unexpanded Vic-20). The winner of the Alternative Party '98 demo competition.
Bouncing Ball
This packet contains source code, binaries in separate files and some information. Uploaded by Viznut/Ocsa ([email protected]),
Source code of the cuckoo clock program in DASM format
A cuckoo clock for the VIC-20 written by Timo Raita <[email protected]>. This interrupt-driven program reads the system time (TI$) and plays cuckoo samples at half and full hours. Requires at least an 8k expansion.
Fine scroll.prg
A scroller demo. The scroll is not too fine on PAL-B systems. SYS8192 to start. Requires an 8k expansion.
PU-239 in Lahti.prg
PU-239 in Lahti_n.prg
A vic-20 demo from 1989 by Secundus of Pu-239. 8k extra memory required. No sound included. Load and run. Separate PAL and NTSC versions. Re-sourced, NTSC-fixed, compressed and uploaded by Albert of Pu-239 ([email protected])
The very first vic-20 demo by Secundus of Pu-239 (15.2.1989). 3k memory expansion required. Load and run. Separate PAL and NTSC versions. Re-sourced, NTSC-fixed, compressed and uploaded by Albert of Pu-239 ([email protected])
A vic-20 demo from 1989 by Secundus of Pu-239. 8k extra memory required. Load and run. Separate PAL and NTSC versions. Re-sourced, NTSC-fixed, compressed and uploaded by Albert of Pu-239 ([email protected])
"Re-sourced" source codes for Pu-239 VIC20 demos from 1989 and 1990. (Pu-239 in Lahti, Pu-239-demo, Pacman, and Birthday) The sources are compilable with at least DASM 2.12.
A simple demo for the unexpanded PAL Vic-20, written in June 1994. Only seems to scroll text on the screen.
Veni vidi Vic!, 6560 (NTSC-M) version. Some parts of this demo are available separately, so that they can be loaded on an unexpanded VIC-20. The demo itself requires an 8k memory expansion and a 1540/1541/1570/1571 disk drive.
Veni vidi Vic!, 6560 (NTSC-M) version. This self-extracting archive can be loaded and started on a Commodore 64 or 128.
Veni vidi Vic!, 6561 (PAL-B) version. Some parts of this demo are available separately, so that they can be loaded on an unexpanded VIC-20. The demo itself requires an 8k memory expansion and a 1540/1541/1570/1571 disk drive.
Veni vidi Vic!, 6561 (PAL-B) version. This self-extracting archive can be loaded and started on a Commodore 64 or 128.
Source code of Veni vidi Vic!, World's first known trackmo (multipart demo that loads from disk while running) for the VIC-20, developed in 1996 and published on The Party '96 in Denmark. For more information, see

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