Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/plus4/Games/misc/r/
../ [Parent directory]

Files in /pub/cbm/plus4/Games/misc/r/
1996-04-02 30320 Raster Runner.prg
1996-05-15 11680 Reflex.prg
1996-04-02 22960 Renaissance.prg
1997-07-03 39121 Revs Tune.prg
1996-04-02 33440 Road Warrior.prg
1997-11-25 49248 Robin of Sherwood.prg Uploaded by Lavina/GOTU
1997-05-10 141508 Rockstar Manager.d64.gz
1998-02-18 8537 Roller Kong.prg Roller Kong, a very poor Donkey Kong clone that was cracked from an original C16 tape and crunched with PuCrunch.
1998-02-22 1896 Roller Kong.readme Instructions for Roller Kong, with authentic spelling errors.
1998-03-16 33410 Rolling Stones 2.prg
1996-04-02 50720 Rubik Kocka.prg

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