Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/pet/games/german/
../ [Parent directory]

Files in /pub/cbm/pet/games/german/
1998-03-29 5806 17&4.prg
1998-03-29 5235 3-d tic-tac-toe.prg 4x4x4 tic-tac-toe game from the VIC-20
1998-03-29 1407 4-gewinnt.prg four in a row (a kind of tic-tac-toe with gravity)
1998-03-29 4998 bomber.prg
1998-03-29 5307 crash.prg
1998-03-29 6006 diktator.prg Simulation (SimCity predecessor?)
1998-03-29 6643 fluglandung.prg flight simulation
1998-03-29 6595 hangman.prg PET2001 hangman
1998-03-29 1838 hit the target.prg
1998-03-29 9218 hockenheim.prg car race
1998-03-29 4719 irrgarten.prg
1998-03-29 3163 kurvendiskussion.prg
1998-03-29 6671 nightmare park.prg
1998-03-29 3659 pacman.prg
1998-03-29 5063 robots.prg
1998-03-29 4179 schlange.prg
1998-03-29 20793 spukhaus.prg PET version of a VIC-20 game
1998-03-29 5117 squash-4032.prg Breakout clone for the 4032
1998-03-29 5103 squash.prg Breakout clone for the 3032
1998-03-29 6763 steinchenspiel.prg Thinking game
1998-03-29 770 sternenfalle.prg Avoid obstacles
1998-03-29 1153 verfolg.prg
1998-03-29 1465 vokabeln.prg learn foreign language words
1998-03-29 8197 zombie.prg action game

[FTP://NIC.FUNET.FI/pub/cbm/pet/games/german/ | SunSITE ftp | SunSITE http]

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