Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/documents/projects/accelerators/turboprocess/
Roßmöller TurboProcess was a 4 MHz 65816 cartridge for the Commodore 64.
../ [Parent directory]

Files in /pub/cbm/documents/projects/accelerators/turboprocess/
2001-03-14 46451 01.gif
2001-03-14 60765 02.gif
2001-03-14 35884 03.gif
2001-03-14 56390 04.gif
2001-03-14 55587 05.gif
2001-03-14 46660 06.gif
2001-03-14 49378 07.gif
2001-03-14 58643 08.gif
2001-03-14 51786 09.gif
2001-03-14 54507 10.gif Tuning 64 Bauanleitung 1.0, scanned at 200 dpi
2001-03-14 34134 anleitung.txt Documentation from the accompanying floppy, converted to ASCII
2001-03-14 32768 eprom.bin EPROM image from the accompanying floppy
2001-03-14 34961 floppy.d64.gz The accompanying floppy
2001-03-14 61027 parts.gif Parts list

[FTP://NIC.FUNET.FI/pub/cbm/documents/projects/accelerators/turboprocess/ | SunSITE ftp | SunSITE http]

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