Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/c64/audio/Vibrants/3x-player/
Unlike other tunes, the 3x tunes start at $4000.
../ [Parent directory]

Files in /pub/cbm/c64/audio/Vibrants/3x-player/
1994-07-18 97 3xplayer.prg A simple 3x-player routine written by Laxity
1994-07-18 2789 mcoolkaf.prg
1994-07-18 2951 meastend.prg
1994-07-18 3970 msyncopa.prg
1994-07-18 3381 mwasteii.prg
1994-07-18 3806 myieldpo.prg
1994-07-18 3259 mzimxusa.prg
1994-07-18 3758 soap1440.prg
1994-07-18 3808 sweet144.prg

[FTP://NIC.FUNET.FI/pub/cbm/c64/audio/Vibrants/3x-player/ | SunSITE ftp | SunSITE http]

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